The verdict: As I mentioned before, the interview went extremely well. I didn't hear back from them when I was supposed to though, so I took it upon myself to follow up. I called to ask if a decision had been made yet, but didn't get an answer. So I e-mailed them. I received an e-mail the next morning explaining that I was the candidate of their choice. However, funding did not get approved, so their was no immediate need for some one with my skill set, and hiring would be delayed until further notice. Should anything change, they said they would contact me. This was the last outcome I thought would happen. The more I think about it, I think I would have rather them tell me that they picked another candidate versus knowing they wanted me but I can't have it. Having that just dangling in my face is far worse than accepting the rejection.
Nevertheless, I have made the decision to tough it out and stay up here. I have applied to many places and passed my resume out to contacts throughout the city and I have no intentions of looking back until I clinch something. I actually landed an interview the day after I found out the first job fell through, but later declined to even show up to it. After more research on the job (which I found on craigslist, later found on, even later found on careerbuilder), I learned the job description is completely falsified and not up my alley at all. I decided not to waste my time. Instead of stressing myself out even more, I went camping with some new friends in Rhode Island for Memorial Day weekend. I went with my dear friend, "E", her boyfriend, and his group of friends which turned out to be a big group of 14 campers. Great break from reality, and it was nice to kick back and shoot the shit with some new buddies.
As far as short term plans go, if I don't find a job by the time I overstay my welcome at every single one of my friends' couches, then I will reassess. If this whole job in the city thing doesn't work out, I've seriously considered road-tripping the U.S. Just packing my car up and driving from city to city, visiting places I've never been until my money runs out. I would sleep in my car, eat super cheap (cup-a-noodles? sure, I am Asian), and really only spend money on gas. Crazy? Well, it would be a great story to tell and this time in my life would be the prime opportunity to do it. I could even document the whole thing and try selling it to the travel channel. Well, that last part is a little far fetched. But, if all else fails in New York that trek could possibly be the next part of my life.
Throughout this whole process, I have been fortunate enough to have great friends and family supporting me this whole way. Friends, strangers even, showing me more support and offering guidance and assistance where others I consider close friends turned their cheek. People I met for the first time ever asking me to send them my resume so they can pass it along to their city contacts. I am so very gracious for them all. It is a really great feeling knowing how many people called, texted, facebooked, tweeted, etc'd me wishing me well. I will never forget these people who have helped me thus far, and only hope to repay them someday.
And so my journey continues. Tomorrow is another day. I thought this thrill of spontaneity was losing its luster. But actually, its just begun its climax. In the words of Diddy: Let's go!
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7 years ago
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