On my path towards "adulthood", I find myself at a critical moment in my life. In my last and final year at my alma mater, I find myself reflecting more than usual on the past 4 years of my life. Although I am overly anxious to walk across the stage, and be the first in my family to receive a college diploma, I can't help but think what happened to time? Here's what I came up with:
-Time happened when I was testing my ability (or inability) to hold my liquor at the infamous beer pong house every weekend, desperate to prove that I was not a noob.
-Time happened when I skipped out on a late night study session the night before a test to instead pull an all nighter out with the girls.
-Time happened when I did stay in and study for the big test the next morning...work hard, play harder right?
-Time happened when facebook, youtube, and perezhilton.com consumed my attention, further contributing to my chronic procrastination.
-Time happened when I pledged a co-ed professional business fraternity, and devoted a majority of my time using this to build my professionalism, social network, and taking all leadership opportunities thrown at me (including the title of El Presidente)
-Time happened when I struggled deciding what I wanted to do after I graduate, thoroughly convinced that I picked the wrong major.
-Time happened when I learned what the true meaning of friendship is through many failed ones [Insert Kenny Chesney's 'You Find Out Who Your Friends Are' music here]
-Time happened when I learned that college is not the place where I will find my soulmate; let alone a steady relationship having nothing more serious than a fling in 4 years.
-Time happened during countless football & basketball games, countless beer bongs at the tailgate, countless nail-biting games that sometimes turned in our favor, countless red-painted body moments, and of course countless "go to hell carolina"'s.
-Time happened when a combination of all of the above and so much more allowed me to
grow up.
Even though it feels like just yesterday that I was a freshman eating easy mac and ramen on countless occasions, it also feels like I know more than I did back then. I am wiser. Still young and naive, but nevertheless closer to feeling like I have the experience, independence, and knowledge to stand on my own. So thank you, college, for the past 4 years of my life.