Saturday, June 27, 2009

I've got a bone to pick...

Fox is coming out with a new reality show soon. Check out the preview below:

Looks sweet and romantic, right? Well, I actually don't like the way they're promoting the new show at all. Not that these people don't deserve a shot at finding love, I'm sure they do. But I'm concerned more so by the way they describe these women. "Real". So here is the breakdown in my head:

The antonym for Real=Fake
Woman with more curves/fuller=Real
Woman that are slimmer=Fake

So what exactly is it that makes them "real"? Their weight? And if that is the answer, does this mean that women who are slimmer and/or in shape are fake and superficial? That slimmer woman can't/don't encompass the same personality aspects as a fuller woman? It really sends the wrong message out and indirectly takes a stab at women who are slimmer. Granted, women with more curves have not really been included in these type of dating reality shows. They most definitely deserve that, and am excited that they are getting their chance. But why does it have to be promoted as "real women"? Can a "real woman" not be 120 pounds? And can a fuller woman not be a superficial bitch for that matter?

And to top things off, all these "real woman" are vying for a fuller man's love and attention. Does that mean that fuller people always attracts fuller people? That a slimmer woman can't fall in love with a heavier man? Or vice versa? Why does it have to be a common denominator? That is almost just like having a dating reality show just with Asian woman vying for an Asian man's attention. There is nothing wrong with interracial dating, so there shouldn't be anything wrong with inter-weight dating (or whatever you want to call it). It not only singles out the community of curvier people (not sure what the politically correct term would be, so I apologize if I offend anyone), but it also labels slimmer people as shallow, superficial, and unreal/fake. If they wanted to do the show right, they should of had a mixture of all different kinds of woman-all shapes and sizes and color.

Blame it on the current social problems course I took in college that prompted me to have a knack for catching these types of things. Or blame it me being cynical. Either way, this rubbed me the wrong way and still ticks me off every time I see it on TV. Two huge things wrong with that so-called sweet and romantic preview. Though I have a guilty pleasure for trashy television, this will be one I will not be tuning into. Think about the message you're sending to people, Fox. Seriously.

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